Brown Tree Snake

Species name: (Boiga irregularis)

Other Common names: 

Night Tiger, Dolls Eye Snake, Eastern Brown Tree Snake.

Weakly Venomous
Brown Tree Snake

Brown Tree Snake.

Significance to Humans: 

Weakly venomous

Conjecture surrounds the toxicity of this species with most authorities regarding it as a minimal risk to all but young children.

General description: 

Slender-bodied snake with a distinctly bulbous head well defined from a narrow neck. Large eyes with vertical pupils. Upper brown to reddish-brown or even dark orange, with irregular, indistinct darker cross-bands. Belly creamy, apricot or orange. Central row of mid-body scales running down the centre of the back larger than surrounding mid body scales. Maintains a strong defensive "S" shaped posture. Midbody scales at 19 -23 rows.

Average Length: 

1.2 metres with occasional specimens reaching 1.8 metres.

Habitat in SE Qld: 

Occupies a wide range of habitats from rainforest, wet and dry forests, woodland, heathland, melaleuca swamps and rocky outcrops, through to suburban backyards and gardens. Nocturnal, generally shelters during the day.

General habits: 

Nocturnal (Active by night)


Birds and their eggs, and small mammals. Some frogs and reptiles.

Local distribution: 

Common throughout Brisbane especially in areas with well established tree cover.

Around the home: 

Skilled climber and is often found in the heavy foliage of trees and shrubs, in roofs, rafters and other above-ground environs. Commonly encountered when exploiting caged birds for an easy meal.

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